Coming to terms with Harvey growing up has been a little harder to deal with then I imagined. Of course I realized that he would get larger, but who was going to tell me how quickly that happened! We've already mastered the first four months of life and he has doubled his weight and added 6 inches to his height. Holy cow! SLOW DOWN! I just got used to seeing you smile, and now you're tossing in the coo's, AND rolling over?!
At this age he is doing something new almost every day. A huge part of me loves it and a small part of me is in hysterics. Harvey was going to grow up, that much I've always known. What I didn't know was the changes that would take place in myself . Sure, we all have some idea of what having children will do to us, but for the most part that all is focused on outside things.
We all know that you're sleep becomes a lot more staggered once you have an infant- but what people don't tell you is that you're waking up because you care so much you might burst if you can't look at them for another minute.
As a parent, maybe you don't shower as often as you used to- but it doesn't matter because you know in your heart of hearts that your spouse and baby could care less whether your arm pits smell and your hair looks like a pack of wild animals have been nesting in it. Each and every morning they will still roll over and look at you with as much love and adoration as they have since the beginning.
As a parent you don't spend so many nights out- but the nights in mean so much more that you no longer wish you were out! I could care less whether I make it to a movie theater in the next 50 years because spending a night at home listening to Harvey squeal and watching Jay just ooze with pride means more to me. A walk around the block with my family gives me more satisfaction than a fancy dinner and show ever could.
As a parent that pile of laundry may get really large before you commit to washing it all- but the dirty clothes mean so much less. Even when you have an extra person that goes through more outfits in three minutes then you used to when trying to find an outfit to go out on the town with.
And most importantly- as a parent, your heart grows to sizes you never imagined possible. You care in ways you had no idea you were capable of. The smallest things that used to set you off are completely meaningless now, and they are meaningless because you now have something so precious that you must care for. Our house is full of smiles, laughes and newly discovered sounds. I have lived for this time. To some people there is that "my best year was...", well for me the best YEARS of my life just started. The best part about it is that until my dying day I will be a mother. I guess that means I've got the rest of my life to enjoy the best day of my life.
Welcome to my life- or life as I know it. On January 31st, 2012 my life changed in the most wild way- I gave birth to my first child. And here begins the chronicle of it all in addition to anything else I come across in my journey.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
What matters in life...
Being at home, having less money has done more for our family then money ever could. You know what happens when you don't have money? You can't be lazy and order in. You have to cook dinner as a family. What a concept! What happens when you do not have the money to go to the movies? Why you stay home and play board games, or paint, or draw, or read! You do things like going for walks. I think my decision was one of the best I could have ever made. I made the decision to erase an entire salary from our lives and gained a whole new appreciation and understanding for what we are as a family unit. We talk, we enjoy one another. And you know what, I love it.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
How did we get here?
Let me begin with saying that my little brother is the light of my life. He is special in every single way imaginable. For those of you who aren't familiar with my family he may look like any other 19 year old but he is far from it. He has some mental delays and falls into many spectrums of the autism department. He loves history and equality. He cares deeply for those around him and is so affectionate. He will still hold my hand in the grocery store. This is the essence of my little brother- kindness personified.
And in just a few weeks I'm going to be watching him walk across that stage in his cap and gown. My face will be ridiculously contorted, I'll have an inhuman breathing pattern and to say I will be sobbing is an understatement. I can't believe we have finally made it here. Blink, and you are really truly missing it. Life just zooms past you.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Hardest Part About Staying Home...
On the flip side of that I know that I'm giving Harvey what he deserves, and that's having me at home. If I had to go back to work my little boy would be on formula and cooing into someone else's ear. That was something I knew that I couldn't live with. I needed to be the one that he grows with, I want to be the one he has memories with. I'll gladly be spit up on, pooped on, peed on and never be able to afford to eat out again if it means I get to be with him all day.
I'm so lucky to have a wonderful man in my life that not only hopped on board the "mommy stays home" boat, but reminds me in every weak moment I have that I'm right where I need to be. That in 20 years we aren't going to look back and say "boy am I glad we got to eat pizza that one night", rather that we will look back and know that Harvey was cared for by his mom and dad and not raised by someone we didn't know or weren't comfortable with.
I love to see him smile back at me, and I love to see Jason come home to a clean house and how relieved he is that it is. Before we would both come home exhausted from work, and duties got overlooked until the weekend. Then the weekend came and we spent all of it doing what should and could have been done during the week had we had a few extra minutes. But now I get to spend my time making our house the home I know we both want. I get to make home made pitas, ON A WEEKNIGHT!
All in all, I'm happy with being home. I love being a mom, and someday I'll love officially being a wife! I feel like this was the best choice for all of us and that I'll only come to love it more.
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