Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life is Funny

So again it's been a month since my last post. As any of you with children may know- I'm keeping a pretty good track record!

Since my last post I've gotten some pretty incredible news! We are expecting another bundle of joy in September! I've been a slacker and haven't gone to the doctor yet but I've got an appointment set up with my local midwife for Saturday.

We are thrilled! I have always wanted to keep my children close in age- no matter what that does to my sanity. Two-ish years apart is perfect for us. Especially if I'm still banking on having four kids some day.

Finding out about this new pregnancy has gotten me really excited and really anxious. My first experience with child birth was not exactly what I had pictured (what in life ever is?) so the thought of going through all of the madness again was enough to make me take a deep breath and ask if I were ready?

Are we ever? It's like riding a bike down a hill for the first time. You're going to wipe out and it's going to hurt like crazy, but then you're going to do it again and master it. I don't expect to go in and she-hulk this second baby out in one hour flat (as opposed to the three day ordeal the first time) but I'm going into this with high hopes that my body wakes up this time and participates in this wonderful occasion.

Will we find out what it is? Probably. I'm impatient, so impatient that the one thing on earth that can actually be kept a secret from me I'm spoiling. Call me a party pooper, I like to know whats growing in there.

Will I continue to nurse the little dude? OF COURSE. There is nothing that shows breast feeding is harmful to your growing fetus. I'm still 1000% behind letting weaning happen on it's own terms.

Am I open to Tandem Feeding? Why not? Mothers of twins do it. As long as there is milk in these machines- my little humans will be fed!

Let us all prepare for another adorable face to make it's entrance.