Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The First Birthday

I've never been one of those people that requires a huge over the top party for much of anything. And when it comes to my little man, that hasn't changed. I want him to have values that are based around the love and excitement of celebrating with friends and family that doesn't involve having to spend 500 dollars or be at some extravagant place. 

I remember being little and always excited about my birthday because my mom would make my cake. She had this great chocolate cake, frosting, and crushed oreos all over it. It was simple and that's the way I like it.  I can't make that same cake for Harvey because of our food restrictions- but I can still make him a cake! 

I have gotten a lot of questions about where this party is going to be, what is the theme, how many people are coming? Enough to make my head spin! He doesn't even have friends yet. Who is this party for?? He's going to want to eat cake and then have nothing to do with us! 

So my plan is to keep it simple and small. Family. My house. A cake I make, and gifts I've made. Since he has become enamored with stirring things and putting things into pots my mom and I are making him a kitchen! I'm sure I'm more excited about this than most moms should be- but come on! Kitchen sets are so cool! A fridge, an oven, a range!!! AND  he can grow into it! My little chef in the making!

The second gift will be from Jason and myself and we are making him a couch! We went and had a few pictures of the family done and there was a little couch there as a prop- you'd think Harvey won the lottery. He could climb on it, bounce on it and not have to share with mom and dad! I've got high hopes for this project as well. As soon as we can get them assembled I'll post some pictures. Until then you'll just have to enjoy our little faces. :)

We've learned to "kiss"

1 comment:

  1. Great Photo! I can't wait to see the kitchen and the couch...I saw a really cute kitchen made from an old entertainment center the other creative types are so good for everyone!!!
